Sunday, 26 June 2016

Wonderful Writing!

We have taken a small break from the St. Anthony's Writes blog for the last couple of weeks, as many of our team have been doing their SATS, then enjoying their school journey.

Next week, we will be back up and running!

In the meantime, here are a few lovely pieces of writing from this week:

 By Aaron, St. George

 By Cillian, Nursery

By Chidalu, Nursery

Saturday, 11 June 2016

One World Week Recipe Competition!


Calling all chefs! We need you!

Miss Bower is running a special One World Week competition. She would like you to write a recipe for an international dish. It could be food from the country of your family, somewhere you have visited, or simply a meal that you love to make from another country.

There will be a special prize for the winner.

Please give your recipe to Miss Bower by the end of the week- we would love to see lots of entries!