Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Season-Shifting at St. Anthony's!

On Friday at St. Anthony's, something very peculiar happened! Each class found a special letter from a Professor S. E. Asons, asking for their help in solving a very strange mystery.

After assembly, each class had received a scroll with a special clue and we all set about trying to solve the mystery...

Each class followed their instincts and found something very strange in the cupboard in our school hall...

The season had changed! Although it was a sunny July day, deep inside the cupboard it was winter! We saw snow, a frost-covered forest and even a little winter robin!

The Professor was baffled as to how this could have happened, so all of the children in the school wrote to him with their theory of who might have changed the seasons, how and why.

Here are some wonderful examples, that we will be sending to the Professor as soon as possible:

 By Nathan, St. Francis

 By Charlie, St. Francis

 By Sophia, St. Clare's

 By Jess, St. Clare's

 By Maria, St. Clare's

By Oliver, St. Agnes

 By Natalie, St. Patrick's

By Deborah, St. Francis (Deborah wrote this wonderful story at home!)

Sunday, 10 July 2016

This Week's Superstar Writers!

Very well done to everyone who created wonderful writing this week.

Here are some of our favourites from around the school:

Congratulations to our 'Writer of the Week', Nathan in St. Francis'. Well done!

 By Nathan, St. Francis

 By Oliver-John, Reception

 By Kaela, Reception

By Harry, St. Clare's

Next week, we will show you some marvellous 'worlds' created by St. Bernadette's Class, which inspired some fantastic descriptive pieces of writing. Well done!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Our Report on Rookesbury Park

After setting off from school at 10am, we arrived at the centre at 12:30- not bad timing! We settled down to our packed lunches before finding out our rooms and instructors, and beginning to unpack. Then it was off to our first activity- we jumped right into abseiling, which was challenging but great fun! We all went back to wash and change before a delicious dinner and a campfire, where we held a talent show, sang songs and all had great fun! Just time for a quick runaround in the field before getting ready for bed- we all fell straight to sleep after such a tiring first day!

Up bright and early at 7:30, ready for a day of activities. We had a filling English breakfast in the dining hall and met with our instructors by the front lawn to set off to our first session of the day. Raft building, climbing and survival were just some of the activities we took part in, with a few quick breaks in between. We all scrubbed up for dinner, then headed out to the field for a game of Giant Cluedo, where we all had to take part in team challenges to earn points and solve the mystery...

By Wednesday, we had got used to the busy and active lifestyle here at JCA, so we were experts at getting up early, rushing down to the showers and changing in a record time! Wednesday was another action-packed day with more challenging activities- archery, dance and low ropes to name a few. We tucked into our pasta and fruit salad, then made our way to a field to take part in more team-building exercises. What a day, and we all fell straight to sleep.

Our whole room was awake by 6:45. We chatted for a while and then got dressed into clothes suitable for our next activity. It was kayaking. I had heard so much about it; how they capsized your boat and splash water into your face. Although we were slightly late, we were still in time for a full English breakfast- delicious!
We got wet- soaked and drenched. Kayaking was amazing. Giulia was in my boat and we capsized at least 7 times! That day we also did orienteering. Each activity was so fun, but kayaking was the best. Tonight we had a disco. It was so much fun to be with our friends and have a great time.
Can't believe that tomorrow is the last day. The week has gone so quickly.

We did Mini Olympics on Friday morning, and it was the last activity! :( We really didn't want to leave. Mini Olympics was really good- we were split into three groups and did lots of races. We were so sad to go home, but happy to see our parents!

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Writers of the Week!

Source: garrettspecialties

We're back! We all enjoyed having the team back together this week. We spotted some fantastic work from around the school this week. Here are just a few highlights of some of the great writing we read:

Huge congratulations to our Writer of the Week, Rory in St. Clare's! Rory wrote this marvellous letter to the U.N. asking for their help in stopping nuclear warfare. Mrs Parrott said it was the best piece of writing Rory has written all year- WOW!

We were very impressed by these beautiful poems, inspired by Kenya, written by some children in St. George's Class.
 By Evan, St. George's

By Aurora, St. George's

Here are some more powerful and emotive letters to the United Nations, written by children in St. Clare's Class. We posted the letters on Friday, and we are hopeful that they will respond. We have received two letters from the government this year in response to our letters; hopefully the U.N. will also write back to us!

 By Gracie

 By Kenan

 By Blessie

 By Jack N.

 By D

By Finn