Thursday 28 January 2016

Editors' Letter

Firstly, a massive congratulations to our Writer of the Week, Yasmin, and to Rory from last week. They have wowed us with their talent, as has everyone who has submitted their work.

We are now running 'Book of the Week' to share great reads for you to enjoy! This week, we have chosen a lovely book; 'Library Lion' by Michelle Knudsen, a warm-hearted and touching story.

One day, a lion comes to the library and nobody knows what to do. The library has lots of rules- but their certainly aren't any about lions! We don't want to give away too much, but keep your eyes peeled in case you spot it anywhere.

We would recommend this book to everyone and agree that it is definitely worth the read.

Ella and Cordelia

1 comment:

  1. I think its a great idea we have this blog, to share everyone's writing.
