Friday 29 January 2016

Top Tips from the Year 6 Grammar Group

Source: valpendleton

Our wonderful Year 6 Grammar Group have some top tips for you on how to write a perfect sentence!

Firstly, they will tell you what a sentence must have:
  • A capital letter to start the first word,
  • A full stop to end the sentence (or a ? or !)
  • A verb (a doing word)
  • A subject (someone or something that is doing the action)
An example sentence is: The cat sat on the mat.

To improve your sentence and make it more exciting, you could use:
  • Adverbs
  • A variety of nouns
  • A fronted adverbial
  • Conjunctions
  • Adjectives
  • A subordinate clause
  • Interesting punctuation, such as; commas, speechmarks, brackets, dashes, a hyphen and a colon or semi-colon
Here is their improved sentence: Before dawn, the chubby cat, who was day dreaming, slouched joyfully onto the rough mat. 


St. Clare's Class also had a try at improving my boring sentence. Here is the result:

The cat sat on the mat.
The cat sat daintily on the mat.
The cat sat daintily on the soft mat.
The fluffy cat sat daintily on the soft mat.
The fluffy cat sat daintily on the soft, dirty mat.
As dawn broke, the fluffy cat sat daintily on the soft, dirty mat.
As dawn broke, the fluffy cat, who was exhausted, sat daintily on the soft, dirty mat.
As dawn broke, the fluffy cat, who was exhausted, collapsed onto the soft, dirty mat.

Source: brandingsource.blogspot


Can you do better? Leave a comment below to show us what you can do! We will pick a winner next week!

Improve Mrs Parrott's boring sentence:

'The cat sat on the mat.'


  1. As morning broke, the ginger, fury cat dropped lazily on to the wrecked mat.

  2. At the crack of dawn,the pitch black Cat slouched down onto the comfy mat

  3. While his sumptuous dinner of kippers was being served, the gracious feline stood to attention on the ancient rug.

    By Bert Brown

  4. When the clock stroke 12, the fat ginger cat slept dreamly on the mat after a loverly lunch.

  5. The impossibly beautiful, blue-black feline being, reclined gracefully upon an exguisitely woven mat direct from the orieut.

  6. At the crack of dawn, the ginger coloured cat, who had just woke up, quickly leapt, out of bed and sat comfortably on the mat.
    Danny Opiah

  7. As the sun rised, the sleek black cat perched on its fluffy mat.
